Disclosure of the results of the Commercial Real Estate Company Board of Directors meeting on 12/08/2021
Disclosure about the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 12/08/2021
Disclosure of the resignation of the Director of the Finance and Strategic Planning Department at the Commercial Real Estate Company
Supplementary disclosure regarding a cyber breach of the electronic messaging network
Disclosure of essential information regarding contracts for the initial sale of vacant lands - private housing in the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of unusual trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the appointment of the Executive Vice President of the Administrative and Legal Affairs Group at the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of signing an agreement to increase the limits of credit facilities with a local bank
Disclosure of confirmation of the stock entitlements schedule for the shareholders of the commercial real estate company
Disclosure of the approval of the Capital Market
Disclosure of the results of the ordinary general assembly meeting of th
Disclosure of the formation of the Board of Directors of the Comm
Disclosure of the date of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Commercia
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of th
The disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercia
Disclosure of the promotion of the CEO and assistant CEO of Technical Af
The disclosure of the unusual trading in the shares of the Commercial Re
Disclosure of material information - resignation of the senior risk a
Disclosure of unusual trading in the shares of the Commercial Real Es
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial
Disclosure of the approval of the Capital Mark
A clarification regarding the unusual trading in the shares of the Co
A clarification regarding the unusual trading
Disclosure of the results of the financial statements for the first qu
Disclosure of the results of the financial statements for the second q
The disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commerc
Disclosure of the schedule of share dividends to shareholders of the
Disclosure of confirmation of the schedule of share dividends to sha
The disclosure of the postponement of the confirmation of the schedul
Disclosure of the results of the extraordinary general meeting of th
The disclosure of the postponement of the confirmation of the timetab
Disclosure of the date of the extraordinary general assembly meeting
Disclosure of the results of the ordinary and extraordinary genera
Disclosure of the approval of the / Capital Markets Authority to rene
Disclosure of the date for the ordinary and ext
Disclosure of essential information, the impact of the Corona virus o
Disclosure of material information about the closure of shopping mall
The disclosure of trading a person familiar with the shares of the Com
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial
Disclosure of unusual trading in the shares of the Commercial Real Es
Disclosure of the resignation of Mr. / Strategic Planning & Inves
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directo
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Re
Disclosure of Approval to Renew the Right to Buy or Sell 10% of the Treasury Shares of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial
Unusual Trading of Al Tijaria Real Estate Shares on 29-7-2019
Unusual Trading of Al Tijaria Real Estate Shares
Disclosure of final settlement with the Zakat and Income Tax Departme
Disclosure of the treatment of a person familiar with the shares of th
Disclosure of the treatment of a person familiar with the shares of th
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors meeting of the Com
Disclosure of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real
Disclosure of material information on renewal and increase of credit
Disclosure of the unusual trading on the shares of the Commercial R
Disclosure of approval to renew the right to buy or sell treasury sha
Disclosure of the confirmation of the stock benefit schedule
Disclosure of the results of the Ordinary General Meeting of the
Disclosure of the AGM of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors meeting of the C
Disclosure of the treatment of a person familiar with the shares of re
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure on the unusual trading on the shares of the Commercial real estate company
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial real estate trading company
Disclosure of entering with an investment in Houston state
Disclosure of the approval of the Capital Market Authority to buy or sell 10% of treasury shares
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Unusual trading on The Commercial Real
Disclosure of increasing ownership of the Commercial real estate company in one of its subsidiaries
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial real estate trading company
Disclosure of entering with real estate investment in New Jersey
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of Unusual Trading of The C
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Completion of transaction of buying new
Approval on the renewal of the right to buy
Disclosure of the approval of the Capital Markets Authority on the sale and purchase of 10% of treasury shares
Disclose the unusual trading on the shares of the Commercial real estate company
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors meeting of the C
Disclosure of the treatment of a person familiar with the shares of re
Shareholders who own 5% and more in Al Tijaria real estate trading company
Shareholders who own 5% and more in Al Tijaria real estate trading company